Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Terrapin Hop Karma

  Looks like a brown ale doesn't it? Well you would be half right. Terrapin Beer Co. out of Athens, Georgia (home of REM by the way) has successfully created a brew that is the love child of an IPA and a malty Brown ale. And it is good. Holy Monkeys it is good. There is a distinct malt smell of caramel and as the beer warms it actually seemed to me as if I had a brown ale and an IPA on my tongue at the same time. If you enjoy either of these styles of beer, you will probably love this stuff. The light khaki head is fluffy and aromatic and its color was just slightly lighter than a traditional brown, this being the only clue as to its mixed ancestry. the mouthfeel is medium bodied leaving a pleasant IPA aftertaste that  is smoothed out by the malt sugars. My only complaint about this brew is that I don't have 5 more to...uh, help me review it better. I will definitely be serving this to my friends who enjoy IPAs. I have to also mention I loved the way the beer roils when poured into the glass. Makes me think of Guinness' little illegitimate brother. Buy This. You Won't Be Sorry.
 -Zech gives the Hop Karma a 4.5 out of 5-

My First intro to an IPA was several years ago and I can't recall the brand but I couldn't get past the dry hoppy flavors and the dry aftertaste, That was then this is now. Maybe it was bad beer I first tried or my tastes have become more in tune, who knows. I still think the average light lager beer drinker will not be ready for it. But, I digress, this Brown IPA could be one you might want to start with. The hops pop on your tongue with that classic dry aftertaste, but does not leave that aftertaste sticking around like you've been accustomed to with most IPA's. With the inclusion of a wee bit of sweetness, the Hop Karma truly will surprise you. Very nice!            -Matt gives it a 4 of 5

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