Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Point Brewery Horizon Wheat

  Just gaze in loving awe at the smooth golden goodness that is the Point Brewery Horizon Wheat. This, my friends is Unfiltered Wheat Ale done right and as such I would recommend that your hard earned cash go towards this rather than Bud Light Golden Wheat.
  As you can see, this brew has a light and white fluffy head. There are readily recognizable but not overpowering citrus notes in the nose. There are no orange peels in this brew. Those scents come from the balances of malts, hops and American ale yeast. This is my second time reviewing a product from Stevens Point, Wisconsin and these folks definitely impress. As the beer warms the bitter notes become less pronounced and the malts start to to stand out even more.  It has a bitterness rating of 10 IBU's (International Bittering Units) which is just enough to let you know that you are drinking a grown-ups beer. Since this is the real thing, make sure you swirl the sediment in the bottle with the last couple of ounces and pour that into your glass. Here is what the folks at Point had to say about this brew and it was just so poetic I just had to copy it here for you.
  "Point Horizon Wheat is an alluring combination of spring wheat and specialty malts along with Yakima hops and American ale yeast.  This lively and light, perfectly balanced wheat beer pours cloudy and finishes with a white creamy head.  The glowing golden hue may help you visualize the start of a new day as early morning rays of sunshine bounce across the horizon of an American wheat field."
  It's just so beautiful...sniff...brings a tear to my eye.
  -Zech gives Point Brewery Horizon Wheat a 3.5 out of 5-

Stevens Point Brewery has impressed me further with this delightful product. Everything Zech said above I could parrot, fruity smell, fluffy white head, golden orangeish color, balanced flavors between malts hops and yeast, blah blah blah (not you Zech just the repetition I could do). What I really appreciated about this beer is what I've seen from this brewer with everything I have tried, really well done beer that gives you a cannot miss when forking over the dough to purchase a real beer on payday. I am also a comfort food guy, no doubt you have noticed this by the pairings of food and beer I recommend, and one of my favorites is a good hot wing. One beer that I tend to go with when partaking of the small chicken limbs is a wheat beer. This beer would absolutely go well with a spicy wing. So do not despair when your ready to try a Stevens Point Brewery Horizon Wheat you will not be wasting your dollars. 
-Matt gives it a 4 of 5

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