Thursday, March 31, 2011

Magic Hat #9 not quite Pale Ale

This offering from the Magic Hat brewery is another example of creativeness that I have come to enjoy about this Company. The beer pours in with a light amber color and leaves you a small white head That lingers through out the tour. The initial nose is earthy but as you will notice that will change over to a fruity mix, aahhhh nice! You will certainly find a sharpness on your tongue initially with a smooth finish. This concoction has strong peach overtones and all I can say is wow. Ales are so vast, each one having its own Chemistry. This #9 defines good chemistry, it will refresh and surprise you and leave you wanting to go for another round. Kudos to Magic Hat, I would recommend this to anyone.    - Matt gives the #9 Ale 4 out of a possible 5

 As beer reviewers, Matt and I try quite a few different beers, some of which don't end up on the blog as sometimes we feel that a brewers effort is not worth your trouble to read about. Then, at the absolute opposite end of the spectrum comes something like this. Magic Hat's No.9 is pure art. This "not quite pale ale" will thrill and surprise even the most jaded palate. As Matt mentioned, there is a subtle bite and then (as angels sing) the aroma of apple blossoms, gentle on a spring breeze, wafts cross your nostrils. There is the slightest hint of apple blossom honey thrown in the mix balanced as perfectly as a lone dandelion seed landing on your fingertip with delicate bittering hops. I am genuinely in awe of this ale and the genius behind it. As I drank it, it quite literally stirred my emotions, filling me with a tranquil and restful feeling. I do not joke about this. If you have stared in admiration and felt drawn into the artwork of Martin Johnson Heade, then your soul is already primed to appreciate this brew. I am humbled by the triumphant combination of clean mouthfeel, frothy head, and subtle flavors that have made No.9 such a joy to review. I promise you, pour this in your favorite nucleated glass, let it sit a minute as you close your eyes and picture sunrise over a storm tossed Atlantic, a sakura fubuki, or even your mother baking pie with the apples you picked that afternoon. Now swirl this amber gift in your glass as you lift it to your nose. Roll the liquid back and forth in your mouth before swallowing. Your worries are gone, the long day complete.
-Zech gives No.9 by Magic Hat a 5 out of 5-

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