Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan

This product of Mississippi's only brewery is quite pleasing. As a true craft beer, produced with love, the pecan flavor becomes more prominent as the brew reaches room temperature. The finish is quite smooth though it can be just a tad  watery. This brew has certainly won a place near and dear to my heart. An interesting note is that I have consumed this immediately after a 90 min IPA,  and the hoppiness of the IPA emphasized the pecan flavor so much, I felt like I was drinking pecan pie! A truly delightful experience. Give it a try. 4 out of 5 stars. - Zech

Winner of the Bronze award for Specialty Beer Category at the '06 World Beer Cup. This Brown Ale is quite satisfying, I especially enjoy the initial flavors, the pecan and ale compliment each other with a good amount of   frothiness to mix the flavors on your palate. This beer would make an excellent beverage with a steak dinner. Not a sweet beer but with sweet foods the pecan stands out even more. I think anyone who enjoys an Ale would rank this one high on their list. I again agree with Zech 4 out of 5 stars. - Matt

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