Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Abita Pecan Harvest Ale

Abita was a large contributor at the Beer fest, and I thoroughly enjoyed they're offerings there. They have done an excellent job with their pecan harvest. Made from Louisiana picked pecans, the initial aroma is earthy with a nutty overtone (surprise, surprise). The head goes away quickly, but you almost want it out of the way so you can get to the beer. You definitely taste the pecans but with alot of malty goodness soaking around it, almost a coffee like malt. Not alot of hoppy bitterness or bite, but undoubtedly there is a smidgeon of hop flavor that hangs on the tip of your tongue reminding you its an Ale.This to me should be tried by any newbie craft beer drinker who would like the Ale experience without the bite but with plenty of flavor.                                     Matt gives The Abita 4 out 5

 Matt is so right on this one. Give this stuff to your friends who are just starting to try new beers and they will like it. When I first saw that Abita had a pecan ale, I thought that they were just trying to compete with Lazy Magnolia's Southern Pecan, but I was wrong. This brew stands on its own, and though it is possible that the Southern Pecan inspired this idea, they went a whole different direction. This brew almost has some similarities to a Scottish Brown ale with its malty smoothness and low bitterness. It is not nearly as sweet as say, Innis & Gunn, but it also is not so bitter as to alienate the new comer. In the Jackson, TN area you can get this at the gas station with the Church's Fried chicken in it at the corner of Whitehall & North Parkway. Enjoy.
 -Zech gives Abita Pecan Harvest 4 out of 5-

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