Tuesday, January 4, 2011

McSorley's Irish Black Lager

Well, Matt & I were finally able to get together to do some serious reviewing. It's tough being a dedicated and passionate reviewer of all things ale to stout, but someone must fight the fine fight.
   I thought I would begin with McSorley's Irish Black Lager. Now as some of you may know, I am a wee bit fond of Guinness (on draft) and I feel it is the penultimate brew. The trouble with Guinness stateside is that in a bottle its flavor resembles roofing tar mixed with Grape-Nuts, which is not entirely palatable. But along comes McSorley's (God Bless Them, Amen) and us often deprived (as far as beer is concerned) Americans can experience in the comfort of our own home, yes from a bottle, what Guinness tastes like on draft. Now, though this pains me to say this, in fact I am sure I commit a grave sin in this, why have the venerable brewers in Dublin not figured out how to produce a bottled brew that taste like it does straight from the tap? I know, I know, it pains my conscience to write such heresy and I completely sympathize with you the reader who has decided that you actively loath my person. But please, before you lynch me, do yourself a favor and give McSorley's  a try.                    Zech says 5 out of 5 stars (yeah, that means perfect)

Black Lager? Don't see that in your local grocery much, but when Zech had told me about catching some of this on draft at a local restaurant, I knew we were trying it for review purposes. When I initially poured it I thought this is a Porter in disguise, and it may very well be called one. I loved the initial bite on my tongue, and then the smooth finish as I quickly decided this is one of the better beers I have ever drank. Mcsorley's is truly a beer for the beer drinkers, the Pennsylvania brewer has definitely got this one right. An actual beam of light shines down on you when you pour and drink this, oh wait that was my wifes antique lamp I was sitting under,  but it felt like it was for the beer!             Matt gives this one 5 out of 5.

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