Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Red Brick Brown Ale

In my personal opinion most brown ales, though I love them are quite similar. This Atlanta, Georgia, USA based brewer decided to stand apart from the pack by punching you in the face with a a fistful of toasted barley. Which I enjoyed. Perhaps that relates to unresolved issues of mine which should not be explored in this format.
    However, the beer pours with a tall fluffy head that is lite as a fairy's fart and quickly dissipates. The grain flavor is Extremely intense, and if you don't like Grape-Nuts (see the McSorley's review) you will probably not be a fan of this beverage. A very lite mouth feel with no oiliness and that is rather refreshing. The slightest hint of bitter, but not enough to convince me that the perhaps outdated rule of "no hops in an ale" was broken during its conception. Though I did enjoy this experience, it is not something I would choose to drink a six-pack of.
Zech gives this 2 out of 5 stars

I love beers, and within that realm of love I like Brown Ales. Make sense? I guess what I'm trying to say is Brown Ales would be lower on my choice list given an option. This particular Brown is not the worst Ive tried. The flavors are strong in this one and as you drink it you'll find you like it better ice cold. The flavors will definitely get your attention from the moment it hits your tongue, which is very good at the outset, but the finish will remain there long after you are done with each swallow and you almost think you need to wash it down with a Lager or something. Of the four brews I picked up in my trip to MS this is my least favorite.          Matt gives this 3 out of a possible 5

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