Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Covington BrewHouse Bayou Bock

 A bock beer is either a beer brewed near or in Einbeck, Germany or a beer brewed in the fall, aged through the winter, so as to be consumed the following spring. Which means that labeling your product a "Bock" tells nothing of the ingredients, flavor, abv, or brewing process.
    Having said that, I was somewhat dismissive of this beer when I first looked at the bottle, but since I am always ready to take one for the team, I drank it anyway.
    A beautiful, white fluffy head floats on a golden lake reminiscent of sunlight. Yep, it looks like Budweiser (a pox on their house) and tastes like what Budweiser would taste like if the brewers at that mega-conglomerate purveyor of colored water gave a set of flying squirrel balls about you, the consumer.
   I may have ranted there for a moment. Your forbearance, please. If you are reading this blog, there is a considerable liklihood that you don't care about Budweiser, and therefore I applaud you.
     This beer is wonderful. It is what you fantasize about while working outdoors in the heat of the summer. So I forgive the ostentatiousness of calling this brew a bock, which it may be.
   It stirred love in my heart for the individuals who poured their hearts into crafting this concotion that will definitly be on my summer drinking list. Give this one a try for sure.
                                               Zech says 4 out of 5 stars

Brewed in the same town as the name on the label, Covington has a good thing going here. I have found as a rule if they have written Bock on the label, I can come to expect a smooth full bodied beer, and this one is no differant. I was very pleased with the beer from top to bottom. If your looking for it on the shelf look for the dark red label with the new Orleans Saints logo on the side.( I know it's really not only their logo but is a french cross or something.) This beer had a touch of tart while drinking, would go well with something citrus. Overall I still give it good marks and recommend it if you see it on the shelf.     Matt gives 3 out of 5

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