Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lazy Magnolia Indian Summer

Wow! Holy Monkeys in a Walnut Tree, this beer is good!
     This is my second time reviewing one of the products from the Lazy Magnolia Brewery and I love it. Sunshine and love pour out of this bottle while visions of Ole Miss girls in daisy dukes dance before your eyes. You can smell late September, early October in this brew, and its flavor rolls across your tongue like a ride on a Sunday afternoon down Highway 90 in your grandfathers convertible with the top down and your arm around your girl. (My grandfather never had a convertible. I am trying to describe a feeling here people.)

  You are just going to have to try this offering from the Kiln, Mississippi brewery. If the description in the previous paragraph did not stir your interest just a little, why are you reading this?

             Duh!!! Zech gives this one 5 outta 5 WooHoo!!! (Amen)

Lazy Magnolia does it again! The Indian Summer Spiced Ale hit it out of the park. Those people down in Kiln, MS must really love their job because they're doing it right. I have to say I'm not a fan of candied brews and at first look I thought this was going to be one. I was wrong. ( don't tell my wife I admitted that.) It does have a bit of sweetness but not overpowering so and the mixture of flavors... My kudo's to the brewmaster on that concoction. I give this my try it you'll like it review.              Matt gives it a 4 out of a possible 5

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