Monday, August 8, 2011

Morland Brewing Old Speckled Hen

This English Import comes with a little history, it was named after the delivery car used at the MG car factory, brewing this Ale the first time to commemorate the 50th anniversary of that car maker. That delivery car was called the "ol speckled un". You can see why that wasn't the last time they made this amber ale since it is a good product. It poured with a nice tight head and left a good lacing on the glass as I consumed it. The nose on it initially gave me a whiff of metallic, which I have to admit worried me. My first drinks while the beer was still cold left a dry flavor at the back of my throat, undoubtedly the hops, but as it warms it smooths and sweetens. I found this ale much better, warmer but not warm, if that makes sense. This Ale was reminiscent of the Strangford Lough products we reviewed before, but I have to admit I liked them more. I would say that this is worth an amber ale lovers try.
Matt gives The Speckled Un 3 out of 5

The initial metallic taste is a little off-putting at first, and it is present in the nose as well. However, as this brew warms the metallic flavor bends towards a mild hoppy bitterness, but is still present. Though I can detect a smooth amber ale that is quite pleasant, the metallic bitterness is indicative of a poor brewing process and evidence that either the brewers didn't taste this batch or didn't care. Iron or mild steel in contact with the beer; freshly-scrubbed stainless steel that has not been allowed to oxidize (passivation); improper filtering material; high iron content in water; poorly processed grain, all can contribute to this undesirable flavor. You simply don't release a product meant to evoke fond memories without a rigid set of quality control procedures. I am highly disappointed and though the amber ale does give evidence of a well balanced recipe, I cannot get past the lack of concern evidenced in this beer.
-The Zach gives this "Old Speckled Hen" 1 boot in the rear out of 5 and a "Bleh!"-

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