Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager

Zech and I recently celebrated a milestone in our beer blogging by enjoying some brews at one of our favorite beer watering holes, The Flying Saucer, Nashville. While there we tried various beers, Zech's view of, "if this is good and that is good than the two together make great", had him trying some really interesting concoctions of beer, which we would like to find some of for reviews... Should make interesting reading. I enjoyed a draft of Old Scratch, so afterwards at Frugal McDoogals beer store I purchased some for review. This malty amber is very smooth with a hint of coffee undertones. The head was definitely passing the 2 finger rule and left a nice lacing down the glass. I personally enjoyed this beer from cold to warm and everything in between. If your an Amber Lager fan as I am than this is absolutely worth a look.
Matt gives this 4 out of 5 scratches!

Monkeys in a walnut tree. Or something like that. This Flying Dog Old Scratch might be sharing a name with the Evil One, but evil it ain't. It be really good. If you ain't stoopid, drink this.

-the Zech gives the Old Scratch a well deserved 4 out of 5-

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