Saturday, February 26, 2011

Point Brewery Amber Classic

  There is a distinct smell of white oak to the nose of this beautiful amber ale from Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Though I don't recall them being featured at the beer fest in Biloxi, this beer is a standout in my mind from that weekend. There we were, minding our own business (which involves the purchasing, consuming and reviewing of beer and beer related products) in Rouses Grocery and Matt spies a Point Brewery Sampler pack. Which he purchased (God Bless him.) So here I am now reviewing this delightful brew.
      It is crisp and refreshing, white a light tan head that doesn't linger. It is very smooth and though it is not sweet, there is no hint of bitter. It reminds me almost of a quality American Lager. This would be an excellent brew to introduce someone to a wider range of experiences in the beer universe. The high level of carbonation gives a pleasant bite and the aftertaste is nearly identical to initial flavor. The mouthfeel is only slightly oily, just enough to coat your palate and allow the flavor to linger. Though aside from the oak aroma, it is not particularly outstanding, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this delicious craft beer.
                            Zech gives the Amber Classic  3.5 out of 5

This reddish brown offering from Stevens Point Brewery is a definite keeper, brewing beer since 1857 has helped them to perfect their craft. This would absolutely fall in the craft beer category but with that kind of history maybe its just beer done right. Theres nothing fancy done here, no fruit peels or onion skins or whatever else we are throwing in these days, just old fashion smooth dark beer that falls in the category of WooHoo! This is a nice smooth beer with a hint of sweet up front and a hint of bitter behind, which gives you the feel indicative of a quality product. Here I go again, offering you a pairing with food I like, but what can I say, I like beer and I like to eat. Anyway, what this would go well with is a Grilled Chicken salad with a quality oil and vinegar dressing.                              Matt gives this a respectible 3.5 almost 4 out of 5

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