Sunday, February 20, 2011

We're Back!

We made it back from the Beerfest and have some great brews for you to try. Me and Zech want to give you a review on each and everyone, but we are going to have to pace ourselves. I wanted to post some pics of the Beerfest to give you an idea of the mountainous task ahead of us. Good reviews take time to do properly, but I think we're up to the challenge. I'll give you a few of my faves to get your juices flowing: Turbodog by Abita Brewing, Laughing Skull by Atlanta Brewing, Jefferson Stout by Lazy Magnolia, Dead Guy Ale by Rogue Ales, Oatmeal Stout by Samuel Smith Brewery, Legbiter by Strangford Lough  Brewing, Dos Perros Ale by Yazoo Brewing. Thats just my standouts I have a list much longer of beers that are amazing. So stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time you Guys got busy. I thought you fell off the planet. I'm dying from thirst because I won't buy anything until I get a good review that makes me want to walk on the beach with the sun setting and a cold brew. SO BRING IT ON!!!

