Monday, August 28, 2017

Kayaking and Beer: The Dynamic Duo.

What better way to spend a lovely end of summer Saturday than with good beer and a kayak on the river? I honestly can't think of much! That's just how I intended on enjoying two excellent craft brews, one even being a Nashville, TN native. We started our relaxing river excursion at the Narrows of the Harpeth in Pegram, TN. A beautiful and easy 3 hour paddle from point A to point B with no worry to be had......

 Brew Numero Uno: Terrapin Maggie's Peach Farmhouse Ale


This was such a refreshing ale, while not entering the realm of "wine-cooler status" with its peachy flavor. The seasonal ale from Terrapin has a delicate balance of hops with peaches and spices that give it delicious and noticeably fruity flavor and aroma, yet the Golding hops used in the brew keep that sweetness from becoming undesirable for my preferences. Albeit I probably would not grab this brew anytime other than summer activities, but hey... that's is probably why the Georgian Brewmasters dubbed it a seasonal. If you have any more activities to be had for the remainder of the summer, grab yourself a case of these and enjoy! 

Taylor gives this brew a 3 out of 5

Check out that Tennessee Sunset on the Harpeth River.

As the evening wound down to the end, we sat and enjoyed the sunset, and yet another delicious beer from our local Blackberry Farm Brewery.

Blackberry Farm puts out some good beer. This Screaming Cock Pale Ale is no exception. I myself prefer a pale ale or its distant cousin the IPA, so obviously I have high recommendations for such. I was quite surprised to find such a fruity first impression with this, that I just couldn't place my finger on. Upon research I couldn't really find much info on it, other than the questionable source that mentioned fruity tones of raisins and dried plums. Honestly, I can concur with that. Whether it be the power of suggestion, or the uncertain facts that may exist, I do not know. Despite not knowing anything about this brew, (Hops used, potential dried fruits, etc.) I honestly don't give a flying feather. Its a darn good pale ale and you'd be slightly crazed to pass this one up.

I, Taylor, drop a whopping 4 out of 5 for this angry chicken.

Narrows of the Harpeth time lapse


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