Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Murphy's Red Ale

   This competent Irish-red style ale is actually produced in the Netherlands by the Heineken Brewing company under the supervision of Murphy's. Though there is nothing wrong with this arrangement, I am not impressed with this brew. It is slightly oily, which makes me think hops, which I don't feel belong in an Irish red (call me old fashioned) and though it finishes rather cleanly, it has faint bitter notes that linger. There is also a strong nose of barley to this brew which is not unpleasant, but stronger than I find appealing in a Irish red. 
-Zech gives Murphy's Red Ale a 2.5 out of 5-

I found the Murphy's a bit light for me, clean beer but not enough punch for an Irish Red. This would be good after mowing the yard or some other chores when you needed to wash down the dust. When purchasing this I was expecting a bit more. I do feel that it probably would be a good beer for those wanting to try something a little more, but once you get your taste-buds on some other products you may graduate from this quickly.
-Matt gives this a try it if your new to real beer 2.5 out of 5

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