Monday, October 8, 2018

"He's no good to me dead..."

Who all loves Star Wars? I for one am a big fan. Who all loves beer? I mean... yeah... you're here reading this now aren't you? well, Monday Night Brewing peaked my mutual interest with their Han Brolo Pale Ale.

This unfiltered pale hits you very sweet upfront, and fades to a bitter hop towards the end of your journey. Not bad in any sense. I learned that they used milk sugars in this brew as well, which gives it a chewy feel on the palate. One of the side effects of having that lactose is a smooth silky feel over the tongue. I initially didn't notice the citrus tones in the brew, I was more focused on the maltiness, but i learned that Monday Night claims notes of grapefruit and tangerine. I guess the power of suggestion lends some meaning, cause i now find those notes. 

Overall, I enjoy this brew from one end to the other. I could do without the lingering bitter aftertaste, but it's not uncommon on these types of brews. Just keep that in mind if its not something you enjoy.

So, with disregard to Han saying, "Never tell me the odds",  Taylor gives this Rebel Scum 3.7 out of 5 parsecs.