Monday, July 10, 2017

Oskar Blues' Pinner Throwback IPA

I came across this brew by total random happenstance. Due to my mountain climbing, outdoors-man background, the label drew me in with phrases such as "Pack it in, Pack it out" and "infinitely recyclable".
...But enough hippie mumbo-jumbo! This is an impressive IPA indeed! I'm not one to consider an IPA "refreshing" per say, but this is just that. This is due to the wonderful variety of hops that Oskar Blues has concocted, inciting flavors and aromas of tropical and citrus fruits, pineapple being a dominate flavor.Yet, the finish is smooth and nutty, a common aftertaste among IPA's. Fruitiness aside, this beer maintains that bold IPA "hop" that we know and love. All things considered, an IPA isn't my first, or heck...even third choice to end activities such as a good 5.11 climb or long hike, or even simply mowing my lawn. However, I feel as though this beauty would easily fill the beer void on such occasions.

So I applaud you Oskar Blues Brewery, for giving me a change of heart on when I feel an IPA is appropriate.
Henceforth, I, Taylor, give this beer a confident 3.5 out of 5. A worthy rating for any brew of this stature.