Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Moab Brewery

     So I'm not doing a beer review. What? Sacrilege you might say! Just hold on a second and listen to my little story. So me and Zech and our families took a pilgrimage to the west to do some backpacking in the mountains and enjoy the beauty of the west. I had made the trip several times thru the years and made a loose itinerary so we could do some of the fun things to see. One of them was to camp a night near Lake Powell Utah, ride the ferry across and venture on to northern Utah the next day. Didn't happen. The custom van we borrowed is very particular about what gas it likes to run on, and ethanol it hates. The boy left us stranded in the middle of the Ute Indian Reservation. so after a tow bill, a night in a hotel, and a fuel filter change in the hotel parking lot, we were off course and heading north.
     As we drove thru the beautiful town of Moab Utah, Zech spies Moab Brewery. as we throw the families sideways heading into the parking lot, I'm thinking " What? We just ate an all you can eat pancake breakfast are you serious?" My mind was soon changed as we sat down to an awesome lunch and Beer Sampler. I have to admit The brewery has they're act together. I especially enjoyed the Rocket Bike Lager and the Dead Horse Amber Ale but truly there was not a bad beer there. We left with their Growler special and gladness in our hearts. Check out a few pics of our trip.
the sampler was amazing at moab brewery!

Had to try Wasatch breweries 1st amendment Lager while we were in SLC

Monday, June 17, 2013

Abita Strawberry Harvest

Abita has continued their strong offerings of malt pleasure. They continue to bring creativeness and great flavoring in their line of beers. Strawberry harvest is one of 3 of their Harvest collection and I must say is very refreshing. Has Matt's tastes changed since the beginning of this blog? Definitely. I have been selectively trying some of the fruity beers out there and this one is a keeper. I personally would drink this as a refreshing thirst quencher during summer months. Perfect for strapping on your float tube and spending a summers day meandering down the river.
Matt gives it a 3.5 out of 5

The Abita Springs unique flavor is present in the Strawberry Harvest. One of the things I find charming about this particular brewery is, that due to the craft nature of their process, there are little inconsistencies in their products. There are slight variations in flavor in one batch to the next. The spring water lends to a clean feel on the palate. All of Abita's offerings should be swirled a bit before the final pour, to really get the full effect. Definitely give this wheat beer for summer a try. Very refreshing.

Zech gives the Abita Strawberry Harvest a 3.5 out of 5  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lagunitas IPA

This has been a staple in my fridge for the last month. Ever since the local convenience store has begun to carry it. I must say to bring a California beer all the way to our sleepy little world is a master feat. I am just proud to say we are finally getting some of these rednecks to try something other than the big 3 light beers. This IPA is truly a work of art, A fine blend of hops makes this Ale not just drinkable but delightful. Pours well and I must confess many times I drink it straight from the bottle. If it is available on your local shelf I highly recommend trying a pack today.

Matt gives this jewel of a beer 4 out a possible 5