Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Innis & Gunn Rum Cask

Upon the initial open, this hand crafted Scottish beer from Manhasset, NY initial presented with hints of caramel and vanilla aromas. Swirling it in the glass released a suggestion of maltiness. It pours with a rich and thick tan head. The rum flavor, though present is not overpowering, yet is more than simply a hint. The initial taste is somewhat sharp and cutting indicating the presence of some hops, and quickly smooths on the tongue. A smooth finish indicative of the care taken in the crafting of this brew. The aftertaste is not at all bitter and leaves memories of vanilla and allspice. To be honest it turned my thoughts to images of tanned women in sarongs smelling of mango and coconut... I digress. As the beer breathes and nears room temperature, the aroma also hints at Jamaican allspice and perhaps even fermenting apricots. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, and to be recommended, even if you are not a connoisseur of rum.
4 out of 5- Zech

I was initially impressed by the bottle and label itself, it reminds me of an old time bottle of tonic. After reading Zech's review I was anticipating the Pirates of the Caribbean and a tropical setting, I was not disappointed. I enjoyed the whiff of sweetness mixed with a scent of rum and beer, as I opened the bottle. The heaviness of the liquid made me feel like I had a stronger liquor pouring into the Pilsner glass, but as I took my first drink I realized this truly is a beer. The start and finish is smooth and sweet, which for me I like the smooth without bitter, but i'm not a huge lover of sweet so I have to say it was a little much for me.  That being said there is a distinct taste that I cannot compare to any other Brew Ive ever had, and as a whole brought pleasure to my soul. I give it a 3 of 5.- Matt   

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