Sunday, March 13, 2011

Highland Brewing Company Black Mocha Stout

  Okay, NO I was not drinking and driving, I just happened to be in my vehicle while enjoying a brew. What really can I say about this beer? I like it and find all the offerings by Highland Brewing Company, located in Asheville, NC (a beautiful town, you should visit) to be quality products crafted with love.
  However, if you have ever had Guinness on draft then you are familiar with this brew, though I must say that this bottled Guinness clone is much tastier than the bottled stuff from Dublin, which, though I love Guinness, is rather terrible.
 It pours slightly thinner than Guinness, has a thinnish tan head, (a disappointment) and has chocolate and coffee tones. Does finish rather clean but is quite filling. Doesn't roil in the glass as much as a black ale should. This is not quite as good as McSorley's Black Irish Lager, but will definitely do in a pinch.
  Give it a try and see for yourself.
- Zech gives Highland Brewing Company Black Mocha Stout a 3 out of 5 -

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