Sunday, March 13, 2011

Magic Hat Circus Boy "The Hefeweizen"

 Oh golden delicious refreshingness, thou art called Circus Boy.
 There can be no doubt that the Magic Hat brewery loves beer. This refreshing hefeweizen exhibits a fine balance between sweet and bitter. The mouthfeel is only slightly oily, and a subtle bitterness lingers around your molars, while honeyed wheat goodness dances on your tongue. The head is thick and fluffy and lingers till Circus Boy starts to warm up. An excellent example of a brewery experimenting while remaining within the confines of a particular style of beer. The nose smells of fresh bread but as it warms does have hints of barnyard skunkiness. Overall very enjoyable. Would recommend that this is NOT a brew for those just venturing forth.
  -Zech gives Circus Boy a 3 out of 5-

  I found a little different feel for this beer than Zech, which is why we decided to give a double perspective on this blog. I found this to have a classic hefe nose. But as the flavors rolled on to my tongue I found a surprise citrus, especially a grapefruit start. The finish reminds me of a dry white wine without the heaviness. This was much lighter, taste wise, than other hefeweizen's I've tried. A good refreshing beer.
   The beer has a golden color with a cloudy clarity. Which reminds me of a perfectly good beer someone squeezed a lime into. If you enjoy citrus in your beer this to me is the overtone of this product. This brew would go well with a island type meal like some fish or shishkebobs.
Matt gives this a 3.5 of 5

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