Friday, March 11, 2011

Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

This Stout is touted in England and no doubt has a good following here as well. The light brown head is very aromatic but dissipates quickly. This beer will give you a hop aroma with a hint of cocoa to the nose. The start of your first swallow gives you a nutty sweet beginning with a smooth yet bittersweet finish. This dark reddish beer warms nicely as the flavors will stand on their own. This is not too thick for a stout lingering just long enough, like a relative that you haven't seen for awhile but only stays a long weekend, keeps you happy instead of an overstayed guest on your palate, leaving you wanting more. They call this the celebrated oatmeal stout, and it should be. Coming from the oldest brewery in Tadcaster, England has given them time to perfect their abilities to craft an outstanding stout. This one was one of my favorites from the Top of The Hops festival.          Matt gives this 4.5 out of 5

    If you read this blog, you probably like dark beer, so, check your wallet and as soon as you are done reading this review, go get yourself a bottle of Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. The weight of this brew is medium. It isn't too light, but it won't leave your tastebuds wore out and your stomach bloated. The oatmeal gives a certain smoothness to this ale that reminds me of a dessert. The nose is much sweeter than the actual flavor, which is so balanced that it is sure to please individuals on both sides of the sweet/bitter line.
   This is a good brew for those consumers looking for something dark and rich, but don't want a Guinness clone. I highly recommend it, and not to step on Matt's turf, it is wonderful with a medium rare porterhouse if you drink it with dinner yet it also pairs nicely with virtually any chocolate if you have it with dessert. So what are you waiting for? Go get some of this stuff.
   Zach gives Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout a 4.5 out of 5


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