Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dragon Stout

This product of the Red Stripe brewery on Spanish Town Road brings back childhood memories of Puerto Rican Malta (which is non-alcoholic by the way). It pours with a dark, foamy head and sits in the glass nearly as dark as Guinness. This is however more of a milk stout and hints at molasses. It is sweet, but not overtly so. Though it does not excel in presentation or flavor it is quite enjoyable. If you are fond of the brews that physicians of the British Isles were wont to prescribe to nursing mothers, as I am, then you will enjoy this offering from a much more southern latitude. 3 out of 5 - Zech

A Dragon gives you thoughts of something powerful with a bite, but this Dragon doesn't bite at all it is smooth as a babies bottom. This dark brew is something that I was really surprised at. I had expected an overly sweet stout with a bite but what I found was truly smooth, just a hint of sweet and really drinks well. It was good ice cold as well as when it warmed in the mug. If I had one desire to make it better i think it could use a little more bite up front, after all it is a Dragon! Matt gives it a 4 out of 5

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