Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chimay Belgian Ale

 As you faithful readers know, part of this blog's purpose is to help you avoid potentially costly mistakes in your beer choices that could lighten your wallet and foul your mood.  This Chimay Belgian ale is one of those mistakes. I really enjoy belgian barley wines and high abv ales, so when I saw this offering at one of my favorite Jackson, TN restaurants, Picasso's, I thought "Oh, that will be nice." Wow. I could not have been more wrong. Imagine vodka mixed with water and stir in some wheat germ for flavor and Voila! Chimay ale. 
  And then you get to pay $9.00 US for a 12 ounce bottle. Doesn't that sound fun? Well, I didn't think so and I would warn you off this pretentious brew.
 -Zech gives Chimay Belgian Ale a disappointed 1 out of 5-


  1. You sound a little "bitter" about this ale. However, thanks for the heads up, this has been tempting me at my local pub and it's good to know I can save my Hamilton for something better.
    On a side note, let me know if I can get you guys any Texas brews. I have access to quite a few limited batch brews and don't mind shipping them over so we can hear your take.

  2. That sounds Great! we would love to try them. Thanks for the comment.
