Monday, June 12, 2017

Evil Twin Brewing + Blackberry Farm Brewery's From Tennessee with Smoke Smoked Farmhouse Ale

So first of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Taylor, Son of Matt, and I am putting my metaphorical "2 cents" into this blog. I feel like some life needs to be brought back into the fun we have here, even if it be some years later. So let's start with a brief rundown of my day, only then to be followed by a review of the aforementioned brew. Let us begin...
My day was filled with a hard day at work, topped off with building stresses from my upcoming wedding, only to be followed by the realization of my bank account hitting an all time low. All up until the moment i popped the cork on this delicious Smoked Farmhouse Ale by Evil Twin Brewing and Blackberry Farm Brewery. All my troubles were drowned away in the smokey aroma that filled my sniffer. As a Tennessee native, I can confidently say that the nail on this brew was hit directly on the head. Aside from the sensation of smelling a slow smoked rack of ribs come from a bottle, the flavor profile was just as exquisite. Not in a "Holy crap what am i drinking" kinda way. Rather, It was a sensation that was thoroughly enjoyed. As mentioned, this ale has a intoxicating smokiness that only seems to be compared to the BBQ from the state it was created in. A full bodied flavor was to follow, finished off with a smooth aftertaste.

My knowledge on beer is at present limited, but i give this beer a 3 out of 5 stars by itself. However, should you choose to accept, pair this Ale with a perfectly seared steak, and that 3 jumps up a grade to a 4.

Steak anyone?