Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Murphy's Red Ale

   This competent Irish-red style ale is actually produced in the Netherlands by the Heineken Brewing company under the supervision of Murphy's. Though there is nothing wrong with this arrangement, I am not impressed with this brew. It is slightly oily, which makes me think hops, which I don't feel belong in an Irish red (call me old fashioned) and though it finishes rather cleanly, it has faint bitter notes that linger. There is also a strong nose of barley to this brew which is not unpleasant, but stronger than I find appealing in a Irish red. 
-Zech gives Murphy's Red Ale a 2.5 out of 5-

I found the Murphy's a bit light for me, clean beer but not enough punch for an Irish Red. This would be good after mowing the yard or some other chores when you needed to wash down the dust. When purchasing this I was expecting a bit more. I do feel that it probably would be a good beer for those wanting to try something a little more, but once you get your taste-buds on some other products you may graduate from this quickly.
-Matt gives this a try it if your new to real beer 2.5 out of 5

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Noche Buena Edicion Limitado

WARNING! DO NOT ADD LIME to this fantastic Mexican brew. It seems the habit of drinkers and servers of the offerings from our southern neighbor is to garnish with a slice of lime. That would be a terrible error as it would cause you to miss out on so many subtleties of flavor. More on that in a bit.
   The nose of this cerveza is strong with the odor of malted barley, which I imagine is where this brew gets its deep caramel color. The head is small, tight bubbles that don't linger. The mouthfeel is refreshing, cleansing the palate and hangs around just enough to deliver a pleasant aftertaste. The general impression is a balanced, not too bitter, not too sweet offering reminiscent of Dos Equis Amber, but upon further sampling, you will find a complex palette of flavors swirling in your mouth. I noticed that this beer already hints at lime, and during some of my mouthfuls, but not all, a gentle brush of mint, hence the warning at the outset of this review. All in all I am quite impressed with this Good Night Limited Edition and highly recommend it.
-Zech gives the Noche Buena 4 !Aye Carambas! out of 5-
P.S. - If you are ever in Memphis or Nashville and Hungry for good grub (I highly recommend the buffalo chicken pizza and garlic fries) and Thirsty for some micro brewed beer give Boscos a try. The Beer Lover's Restaurant.

I too was pleased exuberantly at this Dos Equis Product. It sat a little heavier than their Amber but was not heavy. I found that the darkness did not overshadow it with too much barley flavor, but as Zech brought out was refreshing and clean. After preparing this review I read Zech's and now need to try another, to look for more of those subtleties that he discussed. It's a tuff job but someone has to do it. Maybe I'll give you some more to chew on about this beer after I do more due diligence.  ;)  Oh and you must pair this with some mexican food of course! preferably some Tacos de Carne Asade with plenty of Pico De Gallo on the side.

Matt rates this with a very respectable 3.5 of 5

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Magic Hat Vinyl Lager

This is another offering by Magic hat that is outstanding. The smooth as fresh cream mouthfeel combines with the sharp bite of carbonation in the back of the throat to make you go "Ahhh! That's good beer!" It has hints of citrus and caramel in the nose and a perfect balance of hop acidity. Not a heavy beer but there is no doubt that you are drinking full bodied goodness. Not some watered down lite beer guaranteed to make you pee. I like it a lot.
-Zech gives Magic Hat Vinyl lager seasonal  a 4 out of 5-

Yes  faithful readers Matt is still alive! I have been on hiatus from the beer reviews, but am back to give my angle on this Lager from Magic Hat Brewers. As I poured this beautiful reddish brown product of delightfulness, I soon realized that this was a quality production. Magic Hat has yet to let me down with an un-unique offer. The head dissipated rather quickly but the coffee like undertones were hitting me with every sip and as the beer warmed became a little stronger. The aftertaste had a slight hop hint, for those who are not into the hopped up beers this one is so slight you will not be bothered by it. I paired this with some tamales and truly enjoyed it better with the Mexican food than many of the beers produced for that purpose.
-Matt is enamored enough to give this a 4.5 out of 5

Big Muddy Pale Ale

Big Muddy Brewing Company out of Carbondale, Illinois is an emerging microbrewery that is swiftly becoming popular in the Southern Illinois wine country. Several pubs, restaurants and wineries in the Southern quarter of the state are starting to carry some of Big Muddy's product. This particular brew is very smooth and crisp with balanced hoppiness that doesn't overwhelm. There is a subtle hint of caramel, malty sweetness that allows you to really savor one of these when they are good and cold on a hot day. I also had the opportunity to sample the other brews made by Big Muddy, which unfortunately are not pictured here. If you are ever in the area of Carbondale or just enjoying the Southern Illinois Wine Trail (makes for a great weekend getaway & the wines are exquisite) make sure you sample the Big Muddy. You won't be disappointed.
-Zech gives Big Muddy Pale Ale 3.5 out of 5-